CYUT makes strides in the World University Subject Rankings

CYUT excels in Business & Economics, Computer Science, and Engineering rankings.

The Times Higher Education released the 2024 World University Rankings by subject last week. CYUT continued to secure a place in Business & Economics, Computer Science, and Engineering rankings. Its exceptionally remarkable research quality made it the only private university in Taiwan to be included in the Business & Economics and Engineering Rankings. President Cheng Tao-ming mentioned that entering the subject rankings is a fruitful outcome of CYUT’s commitment to scientific research. CYUT has consecutively held the top spot in the World University Rankings for 7 years. Other global rankings include Young University, Univeristy Impact, Best Asia University, and the QS World University Rankings, securing CYUT as a top-notch technical and vocational institution in Taiwan.
 CYUT has been in the Computer Science Ranking for 6 consecutive years. It has tripled its publication in international journals and demonstrated competitiveness in AI, IoT, big data, Industry 4.0, image recognition, digital multimedia, and smart business. The College of Informatics offers specialized courses and aims to nurture cross-disciplinary IT talents through industry-academia collaborations. Currently, over 60 students have obtained international dual master's degrees from universities in Japan, Germany, and Taiwan.
 The Engineering ranking featured CYUT's brilliant R&D and industry-academia strengths in the past four years. The Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Center possesses several globally leading testing technologies and continually invests in stress wave testing, thermal and optical image analysis, and 3D point cloud modeling, along with developing automated NDT technology with unmanned aerial vehicles. The Agrotech Center develops sustainable farming by synthesizing various pheromones and developing formulations for field tests, organic crops, and crop traceability audits. The R&D Center for Sustainability of Environmental Resources has obtained several TAF environmental testing certifications, helping enterprises to meet the international carbon reduction trend, green energy, and a net-zero emission goal.
 It is the second year that CYUT entered the Business and Economics Rankings. Over 150 papers have been included in the Scopus database in the past two years. The College of Management focuses on Healthy and Sustainable Living and Digital Intelligence to drive the research and collaborative force in smart finance, digital transformation, e-commerce, LOHAS management, sustainability management, and university social responsibility, successfully raising students' practical learning, employability, and global competitiveness.

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SDGs貢獻卓越 鄭道明校長獲頒全球永續傑出人物獎
朝陽永續成果豐碩 師生喜迎30周年校慶
推動減碳績效卓著 本校獲頒低碳永續城市傑出貢獻獎
本校主辦USR中區聯展 分享社會參與跨校共學成果
天下USR大學公民調查 本校勇奪環境永續全台第一
本校榮登世界綠能大學評比全球百大 名列全台私立大學第一
波音777飛航情境模擬教室 結合飛安演練全台首創
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