Tripartite collaboration in nurturing Film & TV talent

CYUT President Cheng Tao-ming thanked Taichung Deputy Mayor Cheng Chao-hsinand CMPC GM, Lin Kun-huang, for their support.

Last summer, twenty-six students from Central Taiwan completed a 10-day film arts workshop co-hosted by CYUT Department of Communication Arts and Central Motion Picture Corporation. Six of them successfully joined the film arts industry after graduation. As a part of Taichung City Government's initiative to foster film and TV talent, the Information Bureau continued to sponsor the workshop this year, attracting over a hundred applications from twenty-two universities, including the University of Westminster, National Taiwan University of Arts, Asia University, Tunghai University, and CYUT.
 The 17-day intensive workshop consisted of a 4-day pre-course and 13-day training in woodworking, painting, texture techniques, props display, and on-site lighting, engaging esteemed filmmakers as trainers: Huang Mei-ching, winner of the Golden Horse Award in Best Art Direction, and Frank Chen Hsin-fa, winner of the Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of the Year. They selflessly shared experience, skills, and professionalism with 28 selected young people. Students' final product was a set production for Alice's seaside hut in the Taiwanese novel "The Man with the Compound Eyes." When lighting artists and photographers filmed the set, students were thrilled beyond words. Seeing their works on screen was a moment they had long awaited.
 The location where the workshop took place, the Central Taiwan Film Studios, was built by Taichung City Government with an investment of $793 million, consisting of Asia's largest artificial wave pool, two largest indoor studios in Taiwan, and one medium-sized studio. Managed by Central Motion Picture Corporation, the studios provide professional filming environments, hardware support, prop production, and filming consultation. CYUT will continue making Taichung the cradle of film and television talent through partnerships at all levels.

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Tripartite collaboration in nurturing Film & TV talent
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