CYUT confers Honorary Doctorate on Ambassador Bruce Jung-Da Linghu

Ambassador Bruce Linghu (left) received the honorary doctorate from CYUT President Cheng Tao-ming (right).

Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT) conferred an Honorary Doctorate on Bruce Jung-da Linghu, former Deputy Mayor of Taichung City, on 3rd July 2023 in recognition of his remarkable diplomatic achievements. Distinguished guests and government officials attended the conferment ceremony, including the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tien Chung-kwang, Kuomintang Vice Chair Andrew Li-yan Hsia, Chairman of Association of Foreign Relations David Yung-lo Lin, and Chargé d'Affaires of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Dorianne T. Kabua. The Mayor of Taichung City, Lu Shiow-yen, extended congratulations in a video recording and delegated Deputy Mayor Huang Guo-rong to appear on her behalf.
 President of CYUT Cheng Tao-ming praised Ambassador Bruce Linghu, a distinguished diplomat who had respectfully served the positions of Deputy Mayor of Taichung City, Deputy Foreign Minister, Representative to Canada, Ambassador to the Republic of Marshall Islands, and Director General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles and Department of North American Affairs, etc. His outstanding diplomatic achievements and years of professional service in government will significantly benefit the development of CYUT and the enlightenment of students.
 Ambassador Bruce Linghu tirelessly promotes the mutual relationship between Taiwan, the United States, and Canada regarding exchange, dialogue, and collaboration at all levels. He achieved significant success in high-level visits, security cooperation, counter-terrorism, and signing a new agreement on privileges, exemptions, and immunities. He secured visa-free access to the U.S. and Canada for Taiwan and reopened the six-year delayed Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFA) discussion. He commits to increasing bilateral economic and trade, cultural, tourism, and academic exchanges, strengthening the economic and trade momentum in Taiwan’s international standing, and establishing a model of outstanding diplomats highly respected by all sectors.
 In receiving the Honorary Doctorate from CYUT, a university that has entered THE World University Rankings for six consecutive years, Ambassador Bruce Linghu looks forward to promoting global partnerships and breaking new ground with CYUT.

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