Winter Carnival celebrates festive joy and CYUT’s diversity

Mongolian students enjoyed CYUT’s inclusive environment.

The Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation transformed the campus into a heartwarming Winter Carnival, celebrating festive joy and the rich diversity of CYUT. Students from Indonesia and Mongolia cheerfully wore traditional costumes and captivated the audience with lively dances. The event featured various exotic dishes: grilled fish banh mi and fresh spring rolls from Vietnam, satay skewers and turmeric rice from Indonesia, as well as fish balls and Swiss chicken wings from Hong Kong. The event attracted hundreds of local and overseas students and teachers to savor the flavors of different traditions, fostering connections and inclusiveness. Students who had participated in an extraordinary 25-day study abroad program at the Auckland Institute of Studies, New Zealand, also showcased their achievements during this event.
 Over the years, CYUT has dedicated itself to creating an internationally friendly campus environment and attracted thousands of overseas students across the globe: Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Papua New Guinea. The university has signed collaboration pacts with over 640 overseas institutions and sponsored a thousand students to go abroad each year for exchange programs, dual-degree programs, international competitions, volunteering, internships, and short-term study to enhance students' global competitiveness. CYUT's listing in the QS 2024 Sustainability Rankings and the World University Rankings of Times Higher Education (THE) is a testament to its global engagement efforts.

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